Cherry Sweet

It is that time of year again. National Cherry Popover Day has arrived. Every September 1st, we celebrate this sweet and delicious day. This is a day we all celebrate the greatness of cherry popovers. We share recipes, pictures, and make cherry popovers. Many might not know what a popover is. A popover is a light roll made from an egg and flour batter, usually made in a muffin pan. Cherry popovers are the perfect dessert to bring into autumn. They’re not only good for dessert, but can be a quick snack, breakfast to go, or even pack them for lunch. Cherry popovers are a versatile pastry. Cherry popovers are simple to make and are delicious.

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National Cherry Popover Day is not just for an individual. It is to be celebrated with family, friends, and even spouses. Celebrating it with the ones you love is what makes National Cherry Popover Day so special. Just like any national day or holiday, spending time with loved ones make them all worthwhile. Plus, who wouldn’t want a fresh, tasty cherry popover.

National Cherry Popover Day is very unique and one of a kind. Even though it is a food holiday, it means much more than just chowing down on some cherry pastries. It is fun, cool, and relatively new. No one truly knows when it became a national holiday, but that is the best part. The origin is a mystery, yet people still have fun with it. Social media is always a great place to be when National Cherry Popover Day rolls around. Seeing the funny memes, puns, recipes, and delicious pictures of cherry popovers. What can be better than strolling down your timeline and seeing a cherry popover? Nothing at all if you ask me. So, cherish this day because you never know when cherries.

If you’re interested in a quick and easy cherry popover recipe, click the link.

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